Geolocation search

Find exactly the place where your event will stand.

Just fill the address in the search form. Using the free open sourced Nominatim API, you’ll get suggestions with precise address and GPS coordinates.

You can also drag the mag to set very accurately the location of your event or use your current location.


2 responses to “Geolocation search”

  1. Hi I love your lightweight eventplugin,

    but if I use the typ “dom, cologne, germany” in the input field “Typ an address” nothing happens?

    Do I search wrong?

    1. Bastien Ho Avatar
      Bastien Ho

      when I try this request, I get the result: “Dom, 3, An den Dominikanern, Ursulaviertel, Altstadt-Nord, Innenstadt, Cologne, Cologne Government Region, North Rhine-Westphalia, 50668, Germany”.
      In order to determinate if there is a bug, logs will be necessary. I invite you to open a new ticket on

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