Author: Bastien Ho
4.3: Release multi-date and weather! 🗓
After 4 months, the 4.3 version has finally released and can be downloaded/updated in the WordPress directory. Long time, bug huge new features: Child events, weather, UI improvements and more.
4.2: Code Cleanup 🗓
* Add generic wrapper functions * Drag map instead of point in editor mode * Code refactoring – externalize shortcode management in a separated file – store maps in a json file instead of an old csv – add lot of documentation – some code cleanup * Update OpenLayer to 3.14 * Fix javascript bug…
4.1: Accessiblity 🗓
= 4.1.1 = * Increases accessibility – Add alternative texts – remove default color for calendar widget * Remove french locale since it’s available at * Fix PHP warning in map widget = 4.1 = * Update OpenLayer to 3.11 * Position preview in admin, drag and drop feature * Correctly parse time-zone for…
4.0: Localization harmony 🗓
* Added Localization for brazilian portuguese thanks to lipemesquita * Make replacement by “today” optional (prevent cache plugins issues) * More standard setting page * Only show events on dashboard right now if they’re more than 0 * Date and time formats harmonization * Add `.pot` file and make match text-domain to plugin slug *…
3.9: Flexibility 🗓
* Add width and height options in map widget * Add thumbnail + size option in both list, map and calendar widgets * Add some hooks * Code cleanup
3.8: Bug fixes 🗓
= 3.8.2 = * fix bug in past events fetching = 3.8.1 = release date: sept. 23 2015 * Fix time zone issue * Add filter hook to list_events() * Add some explicit CSS classes to elements = 3.8.0 = release date: sept. 22 2015 * Some wording * Add an option for time format…
3.7: Extend to any post-type 🗓
* Update OpenLayer to version 3.9 * Add Map interaction options (MouseWheelZoom, PinchZoom…) * Add option for datepicker UI * Add eligible post types option * Better performances * Fix PHP Warnings
3.6: Useful upgrade 🗓
= 3.6.8 = * update french translation = 3.6.7 = * more WP 4.3 compliant = 3.6.6 = * Fix PHP warnings = 3.6.5 = release date: aug. 14 2015 * Fix bad html syntax * Make plugin WP 4.3 compliant * Add lot of comments * Update swedish translation thanks to @mepmepmep = 3.6.4…
Event Post 3.5 (??) 🗓
Event Post (Article événement) 3.5 est sorti. Voici le détail des nouveautés : Du coté des shortcodes Détail d’événement Un petit code court, bien pratique permet d’insérer dans un article des informations relatives à son propre événement. Il s’agit [ event_details] Par défaut, il affiche le contenu de la barre d’événement, mais en modifiant…