The plugin comes with several shortcodes wich allows to:
: display a list of events[events_map]
: display a map of events[events_cal]
: display a calendar of events[event_details]
: display a detail of the current event[event_term]
: display the date range of a given term based on all events it contains
Query parameters
- nb=5 (number of post, -1 is all, default: 5)
- future=1 (boolean, retreive, or not, events in the future, default = 1)
- past=0 (boolean, retreive, or not, events in the past, default = 0)
- cat=” (string, select posts only from the selected category, default=null, for all categories)
- tag=” (string, select posts only from the selected tag, default=null, for all tags)
- tax_name=” (string, custom taxonomy name)
- tax_term=” (string, the term for above taxonomy)
- geo=0 (boolean, retreives or not, only events wich have geolocation informations, default=0)
- order=”ASC” (string (can be “ASC” or “DESC”)
- orderby=”meta_value” (string (if set to “meta_value” events are sorted by event date, possible values are native posts fields : “post_title”,”post_date” etc…)
Display parameters
- thumbnail=” (Bool, default:false, used to display posts thumbnails)
- thumbnail_size=” (String, default:”thmbnail”, can be set to any existing size : “medium”,”large”,”full” etc…)
- excerpt=” (Bool, default:false, used to display posts excerpts)
- style=” (String, add some inline CSS to the list wrapper)
- type=”div” (string, possible values are : div, ul, ol default=div)
- title=” (string, hidden if no events is found)
- before_title='<h3>’ (string (default <h3>)
- after_title='</h3>’ (string (default </h3>)
- container_schema=” (string html schema to display list)
- item_schema=” (string html schema to display item)
[events_list future=1 past=1 cat="actuality" nb=10]
container_schema default value:
<%type% class=”event_loop %id% %class%” id=”%listid%” style=”%style%” %attributes%>
item_schema default value:
<%child% class=”event_item %class%” data-color=”%color%”>
<a href=”%event_link%”>
- nb=5 (number of post, -1 is all, default: 5)
- future=1 (boolean, retreive, or not, events in the future, default = 1)
- past=0 (boolean, retreive, or not, events in the past, default = 0)
- cat=” (string, select posts only from the selected category, default=null, for all categories)
- tag=” (string, select posts only from the selected tag, default=null, for all tags)
- tax_name=” (string, custom taxonomy name)
- tax_term=” (string, the term for above taxonomy)
- tile=” (string (, OpenCycleMap, mapquest, osmfr, 2u, satelite, toner), sets the map background,
- title=” (string (default)
- zoom=” (number or empty (default, means fit to points)
- before_title='<h3>’; (string (default <h3>)
- after_title='</h3>’ *(string (default </h3>)**
- thumbnail=” * (Bool, default:false, used to display posts thumbnails)*
- excerpt=” (Bool, default:false, used to display posts excerpts)
- list=” (String (“false”, “above”, “below”, “right”, “left”) default: “false”, Display a list of posts)
[events_map future=1 past=1 cat="actuality" nb="-1"]
- cat=” (string, select posts only from the selected category, default=null, for all categories)
- date=” (string, date for a month. Absolutly : 2013-9 or relatively : -1 month, default is empty, current month
- datepicker=1 (boolean, displays or not a date picker)
- mondayfirst=0 (boolean, weeks start on monday, default is 0 (sunday)
- display_title=0 (boolean, displays or not events title under the day number)
- tax_name=” (string, custom taxonomy name)
- tax_term=” (string, the term for above taxonomy)
[events_cal cat="actuality" date="-2 months" mondayfirst=1 display_title=1]
- attribute string (date, start, end, address, location). The default value is NULL and displays the full event bar
[event_details attribute="address"]
- eventpost_add_custom_box_position
- event_post_class_calendar_link
- eventpost_columns_head
- eventpost_contentbar
- eventpost_default_list_shema
- eventpost_get
- eventpost_get_items
- eventpost_get_post_types
- eventpost_get_single
- eventpost_getsettings
- eventpost_item_scheme_entities
- eventpost_item_scheme_values
- eventpost_list_shema
- eventpost_listevents
- eventpost_maps
- eventpost_multisite_get
- eventpost_multisite_blogids
- eventpost_params
- eventpost_printdate
- eventpost_printlocation
- eventpost_bulk_edit_fields
- eventpost_quick_edit_fields
- eventpost_retreive
- event-post-rich-result
- eventpost_shortcode_slug see “how to”
- evenpost_init
- eventpost_add_custom_box
- eventpost_custom_box_date
- eventpost_custom_box_loc
- after_eventpost_generator
- eventpost_getsettings
- eventpost_settings_form
- eventpost_after_settings_form